Promar Grande Hook Resistant Landing Nets

Size 54" Handle 48-96" Telescopic Handle

More and more folks are realizing that they can help the future of our fishery by practicing catch and release, and by observing size limits and safely releasing the shorts.  A fine mesh net is easier on a fish, less likely to split fins and damage a fish’s slime coat. The new Promar Grande Catch N’ Release Net LN501BT offers extended reach that are of benefit to anglers and to their catch. The handle extends from 48 to a whopping 96 inches in length, and makes use of a double pin yoke and large 28″ by 30 inch hoop. The net also makes use of Promar’s HookResist rubber coated netting for less hassle with hooks getting tangled in the netting.

Model # Hoop Size Handle Diameter Handle Length Replacement Net
LN-501B 28″ x 30″ 1 1/4″ 54″ RN-501BR
LN-501BT 28″ x 30″ 1 1/4″ 48″-96″ Telescopic RN-501BR